Thursday, October 29, 2009

Resurrection ...

After a long hiatus (from a blog of two post! lol), I'm resurrecting this blog to record my current project. As always, an attempt at the impossible which I then give up in a few months citing some well thought of, irrefutable but ultimately irrelevant excuse(On a side note, aren't all excuses irrelevant? Because if they weren't they'ld be called reasoning now wouldn't they).

I have, in a spur of idiocracy, or spontainity or stupidity after noticing this, decided to do the marathon next year. That's right folks, come November 2010, I, will run the Penang Bridge Marathon. However, not being totally bereft of all my senses, I will actually be training for it, and the caveat is, if I'm not fit enough for the full grueling 42km of absolute torture, then I will settle for the half grueling 22km of absolute-to-moderate torture.

Good thing I wasn't looking at an advertisement for the Ironman competition huh .. Wait a minute, now there's a thought .. that looks even impossible-er. Hmmm.

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